Do you know about the Bishnoi community? The Bishnoi people of Rajasthan are considered the world’s first environmentalists. The incredible story of the Bishnoi begins more than 500 years ago in 1485 in the state of Rajasthan located in the north of India. It is said that it started from a small village called Khejadli near the city of Jodhpur. Due to a severe drought that lasted for ten years, people were going crazy, their cattle were dying, wild animals were being hunted and forests were being destroyed.
It is said that a 34-year-old man named Jambhoji had a dream and decided to act on it. He promised his entire community that if they would respect the 29 teachings told by him literally, then everyone would be safe from hunger and all the sufferings that a human being can suffer.
These precepts included not destroying green trees, i.e. not using dead wood, not eating meat or non-vegetarian dishes, and protecting and feeding wild animals. The community believes that following these 29 precepts brought rapid prosperity to the Bishnoi. The wise Jambhoji was right: the forests grew and protected them from drought, springs began flowing again, the animals returned, the soil regained its fertility, and life became easier for everyone.