Thai film festival will take place during Thursday, 29 March to 31 March in Mumbai. The Festival is being organised by the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai, in cooperation with the Films Division,
Government of India. Admission to all screenings is free of charge.Eight Thai films from various genres such as short film, animation, documentary, classic drama, comedy drama, action, and horror will be screened during the Festival. The films will be screened in Thai language, with English subtitles.
Panel discussions on Film Production and Animation in Thailand, featuring Thai producers and directors will be held during the Festival, in order to promote academic exchange. Representatives of National Federation of Thai Film Associations and President of Foreign Film Production Services Association of Thailand will meet Indian producers to promote Thailand as a filming destination.
The Opening Ceremony on Thursday, 29 March, 2018 will showcase Thai food and cultural performances.The Festival would allow the Indian public to experience Thai Culture through films, food and cultural performances. It will also enhance the cooperation between India and Thailand in cultural and academic exchange through film diplomacy.A Joint Press Conference on the Festival would be held by Royal Thai Consulate-General, Mumbai and Films Division, on Monday, March 26, 2018; details here.