Sanchi: Expanding solar initiatives beyond power generation, the city of Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh has adopted several infrastructure modifications. More than 300 solar street lights have been installed in Sanchi, which not only illuminate the streets but also show the shift towards renewable energy solutions.
Not only this, modern installations like solar trees and solar drinking water kiosks have been installed in this small town. These not only contribute to the energy matrix of the city but also have the potential to enhance the quality of life of its residents. The public transport sector has also brought in a green wave, including battery-powered e-rickshaws and electric garbage vans, thus reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. The economic impact of these steps on Sanchi is remarkable. It has also been claimed that the solar project will reduce 14,324 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. This reduction is equivalent to the environmental impact of planting more than 238,000 trees.