Bhopal – Bollywood actor Salman Khan want to open a film institute in Madhya Pradesh. Salman was here with actress Jacqueline Fernandez to announce the IIFA Awards to be held in Indore and Bhopal from 27 to 29 March . The IIFA award ceremony is being held outside Mumbai for the first time. Salman has a special love for Madhya Pradesh. He has also studied in Scindia School Gwalior. He had also lived in the famous Hindu religious place Maheshwar for shooting recently for about 20 days. Salman said that whenever we go to a place for shooting, we have a team of more than 200 people with us. Local people should be given a chance in this team. It also needs to promote other businesses such as local hotels, restaurants. Film shooting can give a big boost to Madhya Pradesh tourism.