New Delhi-Campaign launched by Wildlife Crime Control Bureau of India and UN Environment aimed at airports across India.Tiger, Pangolin, Star Tortoise and Tokay Gecko featured in the campaign.In India, illegal trade in wildlife has seen a sharp rise in recent years.
Ahead of the International Day of Biological Diversity celebrated on May 22, UN Environment India and Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) of India launched an awareness campaign ‘Not all animals migrate by choice’ to be displayed at major airports across the country.
Illegal wildlife trade is driving species to the brink of extinction. A thriving industry with organized wildlife crime chains spreading across the world, in India, illegal trade in wildlife has seen a sharp rise. The campaign ,Not all animals migrate by choice, aims at creating awareness and garnering public support for the protection and conservation of wildlife, prevention of smuggling and reduction in demand for wildlife products. The campaign also complements worldwide action on illegal trade in wildlife through UN Environment’s global campaign, Wild for Life.