New Delhi-Prime Minister Narendra Modi shall also inaugurate the two day Kashi Ek Roop Anek exhibition at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Hastakala Sankul. Prime
Minister will interact withbuyers and artisans coming from different countries of the world including America, England and Australia. Kashi Ek Roop anek will showcase products from over 100 artisans from all over Uttar Pradesh. Artists and weavers at the event will also be imparted skills for improving the quality and branding of their wares suitable to the larger national and international markets.
Prime Minister will flagging off the IRCTCs Maha Kaal Express through video link. The train will connect the 3 Jyotirling Pilgrim Centres – Varanasi, Ujjain and Omkareshwar. This would be first overnight journey private train in the country.PM Narendra Modi would be visiting Varanasi, his Parliamentary Constituency on a days visit on the 16th of February 2020.