New Delhi – On a continuous upward trajectory, India’s total recovered cases have crossed 32.5 lakh today, with 69,564 patients being discharged in the last 24 hours. This has resulted in the Recovery Rate touching 77.31%.

Various calibrated and focussed actions undertaken within the umbrella strategy of TEST, TRACK and TREAT have enabled early identification of cases through aggressive and wide scale testing. Better ambulance services and seamless point-to-point management of patients to facilitate their timely hospitalisation before their health deteriorates has led to a high number of COVID-19 patients recovering and being discharged from the hospitals. This has also resulted in the declining Case Fatality Rate, which stands at a new low of 1.70% today. Supervised isolation in homes and facility settings, following effective Standard of Care protocol, has hugely aided recovery of mild and moderate cases.

Five States are contributing 60% of total cases with Maharashtra at the top with 21.6%, followed by Andhra Pradesh (11.8%), Tamil Nadu (11.0%), Karnataka (9.5%) and Uttar Pradesh at 6.3%.

Maharashtra also contributed 26.76% of the active cases in the country, followed by Andhra Pradesh (11.30%), Karnataka (11.25%),Uttar Pradesh (6.98%) and Tamil Nadu (5.83%). These 5 States presently contribute 62% of total active cases.