New Delhi-The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh launched the web-based application e-FRRO (e-Foreigners Regional Registration Office) at a function here today. Speaking on the occasion Rajnath Singh said that it has been a constant endeavour of the Home Ministry to provide fast and efficient services to foreigners visiting India so that they have a pleasant experience of their stay here.

He said the e-FRRO scheme is aimed at building a centralized, transparent online platform for the foreigners to avail visa related services and to provide Faceless, Cashless and Paperless services to the foreigners with user friendly experience.It may be noted that the online services offered by E-FRRO scheme are not available even in some of the most advanced countries in North America and Europe.

In 2017, more than one crore foreigners visited India and out of them approximately 3.6 lakhs had to visit FRRO offices spread across the country for various visa-related services. With the launch of the online e-FRRO scheme, their physical visit to the FRRO offices thus been obviated.