Mumbai-The Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhu has said that India is a growing India and that phenomenal changes have been brought about in both social and economic sector reforms at the same time, under the leadership of Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Noting the 8.3% growth in GDP in the last quarter, the Minister said that this is going to be consolidated, going forward. He said that India will become a 5 trillion dollar economy in seven years, and certainly a 10 trillion dollar economy by 2035, and that the Government has prepared a multi-sectoral strategy for the same. The Minister was speaking at the India Ideas Summit, organized by the US-India Business Council, in Mumbai.Minister expressed hope that Make In India initiative will become an even bigger success in the days to come. Startups are the best laboratory for change and innovation. We already have close to 20,000 start-ups registered with DIPP and we are promoting this in a major way across the country, he added.
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