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Kali Kampal Temple in Reunion has always kept its vibrant colours

Indians arrived in Reunion (a French island) in the mid-19th century from Gujarat state in the north-west of India. Arriving there via Mauritius or Madagascar, they ran small businesses for a long time. Since the departmentalisation of Reunion in 1946,

The Bishnoi people of Rajasthan are considered the world’s first environmentalists

Do you know about the Bishnoi community? The Bishnoi people of Rajasthan are considered the world’s first environmentalists. The incredible story of the Bishnoi begins more than 500 years ago in 1485 in the state of Rajasthan located in the

Indian Railways will protect elephants and wild life animals by Artificial intelligence

New Delhi – One of the innovative measures taken is development of AI-enabled Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for detecting presence of elephants on Railway tracks using Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS). The system components include Optical Fiber, hardware and pre-installed signatures

Digitization of Cultural Heritage in India

ndia is one of the largest repositories of tangible heritage, with monuments, sites, and antiquities spanning from prehistoric times to the colonial era. While various organizations like the ASI, State Archaeology Departments, and INTACH have documented parts of this heritage,