New Delhi-Post the successful commencement of flight operations from the Kalaburagi airport in Karanataka, Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) flagged off the first direct flight from Bidar airport to Bengaluru in Karnataka. The airport has been remodeled under the Regional Connectivity Scheme-Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (RCS-UDAN) of the Government of India and has been developed at an estimated cost of Rs.11 crores to be borne by the State Government with the help of the Central Government. TruJet will operate direct daily flights on the Bengaluru-Bidar route. B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka, , Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Bidar MP Bhagwanth Khuba inaugurated the flight operations at the Bidar airport.

Shri Pradeep Singh Kharola, Secretary in the MInistry has said that the newly built airport inks the commitment & perseverance of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of India to establish substantial air connectivity in India.While appreciating the support of the Government of Karnataka & Indian Air Force, Smt. Usha Padhee, Joint Secretary in-charge of UDAN, informed about a recently achieved milestone under UDAN by commencing the 250th route. With the inauguration of the Bengaluru-Bidar route, MoCA has successfully operationalised 252 routes and 45 airports under this flagship scheme.