Mumbai-Union Finance Minister said​ that​ India is a sweet spot where the rule of law prevails to attract investments.Earlier participating in the ​Governors Seminar-I on the theme of​ Mobilizing Finance

for Infrastructure, the Finance ​Minister pointed​-​ out that integrity of people and process would decide the investment discourse.
The ​Union Minister for ​Railways,Coal, Finance and Corporate Affairs,Shri Piyush Goyal ​said that India is looking forward to investments in 9 more projects from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

after having picked up almost 28% of the bank’s total lending so far of US$1.4 billion for 7 projects​. The Finance Minister,Goyal said at a ​Press ​C​onference ​on the sidelines of the Third Annual Meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (A​IIB) in Mumbai