New Delhi-Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting Smt Smriti Zubin Irani said pointed out during the speech that an average Indian spends 200 minutes a day on mobile app and that 65% of video
consumption in our country is only from rural areas and is slated to grow further. In this scenario, the media and entertainment industry should think about what new things can be offered to the consumers.She was addressing the 69th Valedictory session of Development Journalism Course at Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. During the occasion, the Minister announced a scholarship for Rs.25000/- in commemoration of Deen Dayal Upadhyay for people of Indian Origin who did exemplary work in development journalism.She also awarded certificates to 25 development journalism students from 16 countries. On this occasion she also inaugurated National Media Faculty Development Center in IIMC Campus. She launched ECHO Newsletter, Samachar Madhyam and Communicator magazines.