The story of the famous Chimman Lal Poorwale of Taj City begins in the 1840s. Even after 150 years, his puris still have the same taste as before. This shop was started due to centuries old Hindu religious tradition. According to Hinduism, when someone dies, his family is not allowed to cook any food during the 13-day mourning period. In olden times the only cremation ground in Agra was on walking distance from Chimman Lal’s shop. For this reason, this shop used to get big orders for food from the families returning from the crematorium. slowly slowly with time Chimman Lal’s puris won the hearts of the people of Agra. Now not only the local people , even Indian and foreign tourists want to taste Chimman Lal’s puris.Eating puris of Chimman Lal is local tradition of Agra.