New Delhi-Indian Govt is implementing schemes for scholarship,grant for Indian students travelling abroad for higher studies.Under the Cultural and Educational exchange programme, countries namely, Italy, Mexico, Israel, China, South Korea, Hungary, Commonwealth Scholarship (New Zealand) and Commonwealth Scholarship (UK) are offering scholarship in their respective countries for the Indian students for higher education. Ministry of Human Resource Development facilitates the nomination process for these scholarships.
National Overseas Scholarship for Scheduled Caste Students: The scheme is implemented by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment under which financial assistance is provided to the meritorious Scheduled Caste students for pursuing Master level courses and Ph.D. in foreign universities/institution accredited by the concerned country.
National Overseas Scholarship for Scheduled Tribe Students: The scheme is implemented by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs where in financial assistance is provided to the meritorious Scheduled Tribe students for pursing Master level courses, Ph.D. and Post Doctoral programme in foreign Universities in the field of engineering, technology and science. The family income ceiling for availing is 6 lac per annum.
Overseas Doctoral Fellowship Programme: The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), a Statutory body of the Department of Science and Technology launched an Overseas Doctoral Fellowship Program with specific Universities to build national capacity where the talent supply of researchers in areas of interest to the country is sub-critical. Fellowship of US $24,000/- per annum is provided for a period of 4 year to selected fellows for undertaking doctoral studies. In addition, one-time Contingency/Preparatory allowance of Rs. 60,000/- and return Airfare (Economy) is given to the fellows.
4. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in collaboration with Mathematics of Information Technology and Computer Systems (MITACS) provides a platform from 2018 to the students of AICTE approved institutions to undergo Internship in Canadian Universities through its scheme ‘Sending Students Abroad for Research Internships’.
University Grants Commission (UGC) has informed that as per the Education Exchange Programme between India and Hungary, the Hungarian Govt. offers 200 scholarships to Indian students for pursuing Higher education in Hungarian Higher education institutions.